Today has been a great day, but a tiring day. As I type this, the students are getting some well-deserved and much needed sleep!Our day started with a walk in the rain to our 8:00 am breakfast followed by preparation for church. We helped to run the kid's program by leading songs, running games in the gym and dishing out ice cream sundaes! Pastor Dave (the pastor at Lighthouse) commented that there were probably more kids at Lighthouse Church this morning than in all other churches in Glace Bay combined. It was awesome to connect with so many kids, many who know very little about Jesus. There were so many people who stayed for the BBQ that we used up all the food that the church had purchased even though we assumed we would have plenty of leftovers! They were not anticipating quite so overwhelming a turnout so it was very encouraging to hear from Lighthouse about all the families who were at church this morning who had never been there before.
We spent some time beach-combing this afternoon. A few of us braved the chilly water but most of us settled for searching for treasures on the beach, including washed up jellyfish, a few old boots and even a rusty old key!

This evening, we handed out flyers to houses in the community to promote the events that we'll be running this week. Hopefully we can have an amazing turn out of kids like this morning! A few students even ran into kids they had met earlier that morning and had a chance to talk with them.

We ended off our day by watching fireworks in the neighbouring town as part of a festival this week. They were rumoured to be the "best fireworks in Cape Breton" and our evening certainly ended with a bang.

We had an awesome time today and students did a fantastic job jumping in and serving, talking to kids and staying energized. Today was certainly a packed day, though, and we're looking forward to a more laid back day tomorrow.

More from us tomorrow...

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