Today, just like all the others this week, has been a very busy day...

We headed to Sydney, NS for the day to hand out flyers for a new church plant in Sydney. New Roots (the name of the church) promotes itself as being "church for people who don't like church," as the pastor said this morning. It was awesome to hear his heart and his vision for this church before we headed out for a few hours of deliveries. After seeing the "fruits of flyer deliveries" yesterday, we were encouraged that some of these flyers would really make a difference.

After lunch at Pizza Delight (one of our favourite meals of the week!) and a team picture at Sydney's "Giant Fiddle" (definitely the biggest fiddle any of us had ever seen!), we headed back out for another few hours of flyer deliveries. We were very tired by the end of it (which was no surprise considering we delivered about 2000 flyers between the 16 of us) and had been greeted/chased by more cats than we could count. However, it was satisfying to head home and know that each flyer we delivered represented an opportunity for someone to meet Jesus.

AJ shared a story this evening of an awesome conversation he had with a lady along our route. When she found out we were representing a church, she shared that she didn't like church and wasn't really interested. His response, that he didn't like traditional church either, was enough to catch her attention. When he shared that this church was a place she could be herself and talk with people about God rather than just being talked to she said that she would check it out!

After saying goodbye to the team from Erin who are driving home tonight, we spent the evening preparing for tomorrow's Kids Carnival. We're hoping for and expecting lots of kids to come out to enjoy the cotton candy, carnival games, prizes, bouncy castle and, of course, an opportunity to experience Jesus' love!

More from us tomorrow...

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