It has been freezing cold and raining, but the team was imaginative and all survived. So many little ones were not clothed for such weather. Parents, your children may be coming home short a few sweaters or jackets.

God works all things together for good for those who love Him so I think He used the cold rainy weather for bonding and conversations. Chapel was great; we even had a prayer time at the end and lots of kids came forward or got together with leaders for prayer. The team is regrouping for clean-up and relaxation this afternoon. It is still damp and chilly, so we aren’t sure if we are going to Sleeping Giant or not.


Lois writes: “The night before, some of the children prayed the sinners prayer and invited Jesus into their lives. Today, during morning small groups, I asked one of the girls how it felt to let Jesus into her life; I was blown away by her response. She told me that when she prayed that prayer, she felt something. I asked her what she meant, and she told me that she felt the Holy Spirit, and usually she would be scared to use the bathroom, but she wasn’t scared anymore. I then asked another girl in my small group how she felt about asking Jesus into her life. She told me that she didn’t feel anything, and that God is too busy for her. I felt ashamed by her response because when I was around her age, I felt the same way. So I told her that no matter how many people are in this world, God is never too busy for them, because God loves us and He is always there for us, even if it doesn’t feel like it. These kids have been through so much so it is amazing to me that they still turn to God in their time of need, and that is truly breathtaking!”


Thank you again for your prayers and financial generosity that allowed this camp to happen. I saw so much potential in the room last night. Because it was cold outside, we had a movie night after chapel. We watched Prince of Egypt. Torika and the girls made popcorn and hot chocolate.


I feel like the children took in all the seed they could handle. Here are a couple of our more amusing times. We taught them the meaning behind the little song, “I Just Want to Be a Sheep” and why we didn’t want to be a hypocrite (cause they’re not hip with it) or a Pharisee (cause they’re not fair you see) or a Sadducee (cause they’re so sad you see.) One of the little girls accused another and told her to quit being a hypocrite. (So funny coming from such a little one.)  During one of our chapels, Wes and I did a skit. I asked Chantal to explain that it was a skit before we started, but I’m not sure they understood. Anyway I was ready to go to Toronto to visit friends and was telling them all about it and I was calling for Wes at the same time. He was busy looking for a map. I started out arguing that I did not need a map; any road would do. Then I picked the road to Winnipeg and kept insisting that would take me to Toronto. I had the right scarf and hat and everything and was sure I could get to Toronto. One little girl spoke up and said, “Jesus is not happy.” I think it distressed her to see Wes and I arguing—even if it was in fun.


Thank you again to all! Your participation has changed lives and we pray these changes will change families and communities. God Bless You!


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