Thank you for your prayers! Tonight was remarkably better. At least two children said that they wanted to follow Jesus. Our main theme tonight was Jesus loving the little children. Jesus is our Creator and He made imaginative, artistic, and fabulous things, but He won’t make us love Him. He leaves that choice to us. We have reached the place, WITH YOUR PRAYERS, where we will miss each other when we part. I keep thinking that at least I get to keep the Portico team and then I realize that Wes and I will be staying. What wonderful friends they are! Everyone is doing their part. We have an awesome team. I know Pastor Doug says we have lost the impact of the word “awesome,” and he is right, but I am grateful for the people on the team.


Tonight’s skit was a hit from our award-winning drama department. They played the starring roles in Jesus Blessing the Children. Then they sang the theme song, “Jesus Loves the Little Children.” We all had a good laugh as they popped up with “red, and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight.” God loves us all.

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